Following our trip to Rendlesham Forest on the 18/19/20 September 2004. A photograph taken by Yvonne South
of UFO Research Midlands, which seems to show an alien entity, was brought to our attention. This made me view my own digital
photographs and found that i too had caught something on film.

First the photgraph taken by Yvonne South. If you look closely, you can just about make out what clearly looks like a
Grey alien entity, stood behind the tree to the left.

A close up of the image above. There is definetly something standing behind the tree...This was taken on our way back
to the car park, while walking along Track 10 in the Rendlesham Forest.
I would say we were around about by the first turning, looking at the map below (13). We walked across Track 10 from
the clearing (12) to the car park.

My photograph shows a totally different image. It was taken while walking along the same track, on our way back to the
car park. See if you can spot what looks like a Grey alien entity in the forest.

If you save the images to your pc, and then open them with "Microsoft picture and fax viewer", you can zoom in and see
what looks like a Grey alien entity hiding behind the tree.
You may need to save all photos to your pc before you can examine these photo`s.
A close up of my photograph, taken in the Rendlesham Forest not long after the first photo.
This is still open to investigation, and i would be very greatful for any views or comments.
Anyone wishing to add there views or comments or theories, please mail me on the address below.